Announcement from the Library – Bittersweet News

Bittersweet News. Diana Godwin has announced her retirement at the end of this year.  

In her tenure as Library Director, she has guided us through such momentous events as the completion of the renewal project, the rehoming of the library, COVID 19 and the merging of the Friends and Foundation. 

Diana has overseen the launch of highly lauded adult and teen programming, with an emphasis on poetry promotion, achieved full staffing, and navigated the adoption of a new electric outreach vehicle through the F&F MCGIVES! Campaign 2022, supported in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library. 

Other accomplishments include expansion of the local history collection. In partnership with the Heritage Society of Pacific Grove, the library successfully digitized its local newspaper archives. Diana also worked with Asilomar to enable PGPL to show portions of Zena Holman’s almost complete collection of the Zamorano 80. Toward this eventual purpose, a custom made museum quality display case has been purchased through the Laws Family Fund. It currently displays PG yearbooks going as far back as 1905.   

Like the superhero she shares a name with Diana is a wonder, a dream leader, mentor, colleague, community liaison, and friend. We are blessed in the experience of knowing and working with her. So, it is with a heavy, but happy heart that we say a fond farewell to Diana’s directorship and wish her all the happiness as she spends more time with family, especially granddaughter Nora, and in all future pursuits.