Our fully-stocked Friends Used Bookstore is located at St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church at 146 12th Street in Pacific Grove. And according to our customers, this is THE best used bookstore on the entire Monterey Peninsula!
- All proceeds from our sales are given to the Library for new books and materials
- Everything is donated by community members and is sorted, displayed and sold by volunteers
- Our Friends members get a 50% discount and advanced notice of “specials”
We Are Open!
- Monday through Friday,
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon - First Saturday of each Month
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

We have everything from current best-sellers to vintage books, from children’s reading delights to specialty subjects such as cookbooks and loads of mysteries, plus art, poetry and humor sections. This shop truly has something for everyone.
We accept donations of gently used books in great condition for all ages. Puzzles are especially welcome! We do not accept textbooks, computer manuals, dirty, damaged, discolored or mildewed items.

Come Visit Us! And, YES, you can “Become a Friend” at the store! Just Ask!