There are benefits to becoming a Friend:
- Receive our Quarterly Newsletter
- Get invitations to special events
- Attend our Annual Meeting
- Get the satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting our PG Library for future generations.

Consider celebrating a friend or relative with a “Gift Membership” or an honorary donation. Or leave a lasting legacy by including the Friends in your Estate Planning.
Here’s how to “Become a Friend”
- Membership – Your sustaining support goes to immediate and on-going needs. JOIN US
- Legacy Donor – Your investment makes the future of our Library much brighter. LEARN MORE
- Donor – Your generous support makes all the difference. SUPPORT US
- Volunteer – Your time, skills and passion make our all-volunteer organization strong. APPLY
- Advocate – By getting the word out to the community, you increase the use and support of our Library for all. APPLY

Donations to the Pacific Grove Public Library Friends and Foundation are tax deductible to the extent of the law. We are a U. S. Non-Profit, Tax Exempt charitable organization (Tax ID 77-0055748) under Section 501( c) (3) U. S. Internal Revenue Code.